Caffeine Reduction Day #2-#4

Boring. On day #2 I had a cup of coffee because it was offered to me and I forgot that I didn’t want one. When it was served I thought it would have been impolite not to drink it. Day #2 ended with some alcohol and the night was short because I had a very good conversation with a friend until five in the morning and we had appointments on the very same morning as well. So I drank some mugs on day #3. Day #4 also started with two mugs.

I think I will stop blogging about this topic until something interesting happens. So far it works out as expected, a drastic reduction which is quite easy to maintain. And most coffee I drink really is shitty. It’s time to learn how to brew decent coffee. Since I won’t drink that much anymore the price per mug doesn’t really matter….

Caffeine Reduction Day #1

„Rehab is for quitters“ – Hank Moody

I’ve been drinking too much coffee. 10+ mugs on a working day wasn’t good for my stomach at all. After recognizing that I don’t have sleep problems on vacation I’m trying to dial in on the reason for not having a good nights sleep when working. Work isn’t exactly satisfing at the moment, an NDA stops me from blogging about it but let’s say the project I’m working on at the moment is more or less a failure (that actually made it to nationwide news, so I’m allowed to tell). This probably is one reason. But maybe caffaine is as well. Alright, I’m not good in quitting stuff but I’m very good at reducing. For example I never quit smoking. I’m still smoking on rare occasions. Its no problem at all to not smoke for a week or two but saying that I quit would mean permanently which would mean that I either stick to it or feel very bad for not doing what I’m saying. So I will not stop drinking coffee. But I will reduce my consumption drastically. From gulping back to enjoying. Only drink good coffee and not the shitty free coffee at work.

Day 1, 13:40

Got up at seven, took a shower, went to work. Had a couple of fennel teas. No caffeine yet. I feel sleepy and have slight headache. I’m unsure if work or the lack of caffeine is the reason. I think I should go on vacation and find another project. Funny how all thoughts are leading to „the plan“. BTW: 22 working days left… And lunch break is over, back to work…

Day 1, 14:40

Still sleepy. Probably just dehydration. If you drink much coffee on a regular basis it hydrates as well even if people tend to tell you the opposite.

Day 1, 15:51

Drank a bottle of water and more tea. Still sleepy, slight headache. The colorcoding of my pee suggests it’s not dehydration. Am I experiencing withdrawal symtoms? Hmm.

Day 1, 21:00

Slept for an hour after work. Will head out to the supermarket to hunt down some food. Still tired. Tomorrow I’ll be on the road for about five hours, that will be hard without coffee. And without a decent stereo in the car.

Day 1, 22:16

Still tired. Let’s see how tonight’s sleep will be. Since I do not have to work until Wednesday it will probably be fine.


Shopping at “Combi” Market

You probably know these days where you run to the store to buy a VHS-Tape to record the new Game of Thrones Episode which will be on free TV in a couple of minutes. Suddenly you realize that they got a good deal on floppy disks as well and you remember that you run out of these as well. Decades ago… The Photo was taken today… The sign says something like: “Attention! Article is on sale out, please stock up”… You don’t say!image


One step after the other…

Not much to blog about over here. Over the holidays I had some really good fun with old and new friends. The weather sucks big time, it’s snowing. At Easter holidays…


The last time I remember snow at Eastern was a couple of years ago. I went rock climbing with friends in the french alps (haute alps, elevation 1000m +). Even there it was pretty uncommon.


An oldschool champagne colored beemer (BMW). Something’s wrong with this picture… I nearly laughed my ass off…

The ToDo List is still long but I’m getting there. The pornstyler has a new cardan joint and distributor. The wideband lambda is working fine and I finally understand the injection system and the (hopefully) final spare part is ordered and will arrive next week. The pickup part of the travel vehicle is in really good shape, I’m still not sure about the cabin. We’ll see. Today I want to prepare the station wagon for sale (rip out stereo system, fix idling problem). And maybe install the reversing camera on the travel vehicle. But that would be two steps…

Where is all the motivation gone… ?

Not motivated to find a decent quote — Andi

I don’t get it. I bought a travel vehicle, had a nice weekend and i have one week of vacation to get stuff done. But I’m not motivated at all. Maybe it’s all the stuff to get done piling up. The pornstyler still runs like shit, I haven’t even had a thorough look on the travel vehicle yet. Yesterday my cellphone decided to factory reset itself. The last backup probably was some time ago because I can’t remember doing it. So data loss is expected… I have got plenty of organizational stuff (writing bills, quarterly tax declaration stuff, …) to do as well and I even have to clean my flat. I have to prepare the station wagon for sale. And I have to enjoy myself because I’m on vacation. Or at least off work…

Hmm. After writing that down I think I know why I’m not motivated. I’m thinking about all that stuff at once and I think I have to rush though all the points as fast as possible before I actually can enjoy myself. I’m not giving each point of the list the time it needs and I’m craving for fast success but only get disappointed. As an IT-Professional who loves agile software development I know the idea of “steady pace”: Do stuff at a velocity which you can maintain (almost) indefinite. It seems I have to prioritize all the stuff, estimate the duration of each task (if possible) set timeboxes for stuff which I can’t estimate (and life with / mitigate the fact that I don’t know if it will be “done” after the timebox has passed).

So much for vacation. My private life is a hard job as well as it seems… Maybe I really should go on vacation. Well, that’s “the plan” actually. But before that I have to get stuff done. And find the motivation. At least now I know how it has to be done. Thanks blogging for pointing that out. One step at a time…