“I gotta get outta here” — Alice Cooper
I hate ferries. Most times they are too large to give you the expression that you’re actually on the water. The only ferry rides which where fun for me had been on the phillipine islands. You couldn’t use the toilets any more due to zillions of sick people but at least it felt like aktually beeing on open water.

I’m feeling reasonably secure with Tallink Lines. The date for the next test of the lifeboats is not too far in the past…
Normally I would just get utterly drunk to pass the time. But since I have to drive a van after the passage I have to stay sober. The only place with tables so far was the Starlight casino. At the stern of the ferry it’s got quite some vibrations from the engine but it was fine. Until a band started to play. This must be musician’s hell. The same fucking songs which are probably played on every ferry or cruise ship. Breakfast at tiffanies, C’est la vie, “money, money, money”, “gimme, gimme”, “(lengthy sax intro)… Tequila!” … I don’t even now the name of the songs. Just the refrain. The band plays so sloppy that even I am able to tell and the look in their faces looks like half-well disguised hatred. I would like to sit down with them and get drunk. Well, this will probably not happen… At least they have one fan…

Sorry for the shitty photo. The fan wears a white shirt and is in the left part of the picture..
Yesterday I stayed at the other public beach. Until now I was able to dodge any german travellers. But since there were only the two of us I had to communicate. The guy seemed reasonably decent, approx. 20 years older so I sat down for a couple of beers with him. Told some stories, listened to some, the usual. Interesting was that his view of Sweden was quite the opposite from mine. He told me there’re plenty of lazy people, many obese and that he can’t stand it any more and wouldn’t return. When I asked him were he got that notion from he said from the kind of driving their cars and waiters at restaurants. WEIRD! So he actually never got to know any swedes. When some young women showed up to take a night swim I got an idea why. He had to comment on every passing body and was staring & drooling so much that I felt compelled to tell him that this behavior is not appreciated and to excuse myself to the women for him being a dickhead. Why do have so many older men have to be like this? It really freaks me out. I mean everybody takes a peek from time to time no matter what gender and that’s ok in my book. But is it so difficult to just smile at the faces of passing folks and say a friendly “Hello”?

guitar, bass and bocals of the nameless band. My “this one looks least likely to hassle us” look lured them directly to me. I didn’t manage to start a conversation though. And they were not drinking…
“Under my umbrella, ella, ella”… I gotta get outta here! Next time I hope I’ll won’t forget my headphones…