Odo: 284136 Location: Helsinki, Finland
That roadsign on the highway and the fact that I crossed a timezone (Finland is GMT+3) made me aware that I drove quite a distance to the east. I spent some fun days at Turku, made friends with a very decent local who brought me to a vegan book cafe.
The resemblance of the harz mountains is growing stronger. It’s not that flat anymore and it’s rocky as well. The view from my friends window could be anywhere in the wester
At the moment I’m in Helsinki. Yesterday a very nice local gave me a little guided tour around the not so obvious sights of the city. An former freight harbor is being converted to housings. The process will take 20 years and the city actually paid somebody to coordinate the usage of the area in between. Urban gardeners are given free soil and water by the city. Walls are put up for graffiti artists. There are large Freight containers for different projects like a cafe for example. And there’s quite some space which people just use as they want. Some folks build a sauna but that was too much for the city, they took it down. A pizza oven was accepted after some quarrels though. I quite laughed my arse off when a motorcycle driving school did the first lessons of a student (drive around cones) just next to some stunting guys making wheely circling, stoppies and wheelies sitting on the handlebar. I forgot to take a photo.
It seems the alternative scene isn’t that strong over here. Info shops, cultural centers, squads, alternative trailer parks (I’m still searching for the translation of Wagenplätze), independent youth centers and places alike are not very common in scandinavia. I already got some hints for possible causes but I think I’ve got to investigate further…