The final preparations before leaving

I hate it. I would love to be on the road right now. Every time before I leave for some time I remember everything on my ToDo lists. Stuff is sitting there for ages but I feel somehow obliged to get it done. Of course I don’t do the stuff but I feel bad anyways… The van still isn’t finished. And it won’t be ever. But it’s almost good to go…

I’ve got an appointment in Stockholm by the end of the next week so I gotta get going soon. Now more new projects, finishing what has to be done over here and leave the rest for doing it when I’m travelling. Yesterday I somehow broke the back cover of my phone. Besides the weird feeling of shattered glass in your pocket the camera won’t work probably. Arghh. Whatever, seems I just have to suck it up for now. At least the anticipation of what is to come is growing stronger every day.

Fusion Festival

Candyland deluxe. No advertisement whatsoever. Noncommercial. Eyecandy, human candy, any candy. Everywhere. Everything which draws your attention is either art, music, fellow human beings or food. No distraction from the beauty of it whatsoever. You enter the festival area and show your ticket once to get a badge and after that there are no controls anymore. You can bring whatever you like. Only the presence of children and animals is discouraged for their own safety. Disputes are extremely rare, the security is staffed by fellow punx or activists. The best festival I know of.


Main Stage (Hangerbühne). Awesome decoration with four video beamers and a freeform screen. Haven’t seen this technique before…


Some art on top the salon de bailles. Made from festival toilets


View in the direction of the Turmbühne