Waiting in line at the postoffice to recover license plates… Not..


Awesome! The wordpress app for android allows me to blog every shit whenever I’m bored. So i can spread my boredom around by blogging utterly useless crap. Hmmm. Memo to self: stop blogging crap.

Finally my turn comes and the attended says: I’m sorry your package hasn’t arrived yet. Alright, the notification has arrived Saturday saying pickup at the next working day (which is today). My package will properbly arrive during the day… fuck. Another half hour of my life lost…

The Plan

I love it when a plan comes together” — (Hannibal Smith)

Alright, i don’t like it here. We established that fact earlier. But what to do about it? The obvious choice would be to get drunk every evening and watch TV. Pretty common decision in Germany because booze is really cheap and its almost impossible to watch TV sober. I tried that for some time but it didn’t work for me. The little man in my head who always says stuff like “You can do so much better! Such potential! Use it! Don’t put it to waste” doesn’t get drunk easily and when I get him wasted he is getting more confident and creative with his ideas. So sitting drunk in front of the telly is a possibility to kill time but it makes me feel really unhappy. And craving for Anditainment…

Emigration would be another solution but where to? I love travelling and have done quite a bit so far but even with the possibility to choose freely there’s no place which really drags me to go there.

The logical choice which is left is to do a scouting trip. Just put your life on a truck and start roaming around until you feel the urge to stay. As a friend of iterative work organization models I don’t want to give up everything at home. It’s not that bad 🙂 So the Plan is to do trips around Europe but to return to Germany whenever I feel like it and to travel there as well. And to meet nice people. To sum it up:

  • Acquire funds & free time to survive roughly half a year with as little (payed) work as possible (almost done)
  • Acquire a decent vehicle for long distance travel around Europe (working on it)
  • Transform vehicle into decent shape, add some luxury as well as an environment to do some prototyping of technical stuff (todo)
  • Use social networks to find interesting people in western europe (todo)
  • Lay out a route which connects these interesting people and some sight seeing (todo)
  • Start travelling (todo) and be spontaneous (work in progress)

Stay tuned, something around 27 working days left…

Why am I starting a blog?

“I hate it here” — (Spider Jerusalem)

Rough words but true. I have difficulties to adjust to the world I’m living in. People are unkind, are too occupied by their job and seldom have the time to do fun things with me. There is always a “good” reason to not do stuff, for example because there is so much on the to do list that it would feel wrong to actually enjoy life. I’m fed up. Even desperate. I don’t want to end my days burnt out and alone. So I’m giving up big chunks of my privacy and I’m willing to share my thoughts and adventures with everybody who likes to read about them. First of all I hope to get in touch with people who think (and act) likewise. Online as well as in real life. Secondly I feel somehow obliged to share some stuff after I have read zillions of travel blogs, hacker sites and other entertaining stuff written by folks just like you and me.

So stay tuned, there is more to come. But for today I have to go to sleep because I have to work tomorrow. 31 working days before the adventure begins. Hopefully enough time to get the preparations for a (for me) completly new kind of travel done. As lucky as I am I switched to three working days a week so there is a chance…

(posted a couple of days after writing)